The Money Jar

This jar was for arguing and YELLING. If you raise your voice, you pay $1. If you argue, you pay $1. I’m not sure how your household works, but I realized as a mother of boys that I’m exhausted by 6:00 am from all the yelling (mainly myself) and arguing. Most mornings I hear, “Euh, you spit on me, brush your teeth somewhere else.”

Marriage Champions

A husband was made to lead and a wife was made as a helpmate. When you’re with the right one, you will continue to complement each other. There is nothing wrong with a man being man and a woman being a woman.

Father’s day is for males, not single mothers.

But, why are single mothers celebrated on father’s day too? We don’t give shout outs to single father’s on mother’s day. We swear up and down that no one can take a mother’s place. Guess what? The same applies for father’s.